Studio Great Lakes is an architecture and design research practice.

Studio Great Lakes is an architecture and design research practice.

The Studio Great Lakes design method is driven by an intense curiosity for others design methodologies and the cultural phenomena which can come from it. Through a critical collection and dissecting process, I construct new methods. The ambition for extracted and translated techniques and strategies is to challenge subconscious boundaries and advance imaginary potentials. Accepting nothing at face value, investigations and interrogations of culture reveal latent conditions to inspire new outcomes at human, urban, and regional scales. This is realized through construction, public outreach, and/or disciplinary dissemination. 

The process begins with diligent, critical multidisciplinary design research to uncover a relational structure. Hacking a client's working or dysfunctional surface in search of relevant values, habits, and rituals using crafted techniques establishes a customized sensibility for the basis of design.

Designs with strong roots are pursued knowing that not every relationship can determine a final outcome; only the critical will prevail and many branches in research fall latent. The latent conditions will, at times, emerge and recede physically and phenomenally. This "soft space" within matter at rest, intellectually animates use and, with optimism, might possibly become popular in everyday culture. 

Results are unique, insightful, detailed and relational.

Relational Structure